Writing Wednesday: Possible Change

I’m not making any progress on my books right now, still. Honestly, the new job is just requiring too much of me and while I keep getting ideas and thoughts and making notes, I just don’t have it in me to really write much right now. I’m too consumed with learning all the things I need to know to keep up with working in a brand new industry. (And yes, being in a new industry is that challenging most days!)

I am still posting here though, so go me! I’m writing!

I’ve been thinking about making a change to the usual Tuesday topic. I’m starting to finally run out of types of therapy to review. I could go into some of the more questionable therapies, but many of those just make my skin crawl with the bad science behind them. I’d hate doing those, even if I went in to pick them apart. I’d just be grumpy about it. No one likes me when I’m grumpy. I don’t like me when I’m grumpy, and so then I take a nap or have a snack, or both.

What would I do with the Tuesday theme if I change it?

Well, I’ve had a couple of ideas.

The first is a “Things I wish I had learned while growing up” or just “known sooner” series. The series would cover things like learning how to run a budget, how to do taxes, iron a pair of dress pants, how to do basic cooking and meal prep, and so on.

The second is more specific, and ties in with the budget. I’m crazy good at making a grocery budget stretch. One chicken will turn into a dozen meals before I’m done with it. (Or for a family of 4, figure three meals).

Many of my friends have mentioned wishing they had my skills with managing a grocery budget so that I can eat healthy and not go broke. That would be the second option for what to do with the Tuesday theme.

If anyone knows of a type of therapy I haven’t covered, and you’d like it to get some notice, please feel free to comment and let me know about it, before I close out the theme.

And, drop a comment to let me know which of the ideas for the new themes sound more interesting to you.

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